Lapis lazuli is a highly spiritual stone which works on the throat and third eye chakra. It encourages truth, spirituality and enlightenment, and is useful for stimulating the pineal gland. It has a deep, calm energy which facilitates self-knowledge and self-expression. It can also be used to enhance psychic abilities and bring about profound spiritual insights. Because it is such a highly spiritual stone, lapis lazuli can shield the wearer from negativity. It can be worn to guard against psychic attacks, as well as dispelling inner negativity
- You want to enhance your intuition and psychic abilities
- You would like relief from stress, anxiety and negativity
- You feel that you need psychic protection
- You are seeking greater clarity and objectivity, for a specific situation or for your life in general
- You are seeking a greater connection with the Divine
- You wish to communicate with your spirit guides or angels
- You want more honesty and depth in your relationships with other people